January 26, 2017

Rant 2(RePost) 1/26/2017 The Courage to Commit

When you start taking Improv ,it will seem that everything is about rules.”Yes and”. “Agreement”,” establish who and where you are at the top of the scene”  and so many more. Even if you start at a place where they tell you there are no rules like “Annoyance” there are still rules just different ones and they don’t call them rules. But things like” always have a character when you step on the stage” is a rule whether or not it is called one. But eventually you will get to the point where you will learn to twist, turn and completely demolish every rule you ever learned. At that point you will find your own true voice and style. And that is what you have to commit to( OK if you want to get technical maybe that’s a rule too).

So after you get the basic idea and show the instructors that you can do it their way, what is improv about. It is the “Courage to Commit” it is about doing things your way. Everything you do must be with 100% commitment(another rule I know). Every character you create,every line you speak you must commit to fully. Is that easy, no its damn hard. It is often easier to find a way out or make a joke then stay true to what you have created. You have to learn to trust yourself,yes you need to trust your partner or partners as well, but it starts with you. It is difficult if not impossible for anyone else to trust, or you to trust anyone,  if you don’t trust yourself. Will this sometimes lead to scenes that don’t work, maybe,but less often than you think. And accepting the failures with the belief they will ultimately create the success you want is exactly the kind of courage I am talking about here.

So the next time your brain tells you that I am not suppose to do this this way or maybe I shouldn’t go there. Ignore it. Commit to what you are doing, sometimes it might not work, but you will feel better and become a better improviser for making the effort.

As always these are my opinions and your lack of agreement breaks no rules(because there aren’t any remember). Please feel free to leave your comments and opinions. Remember this blog is meant to be a joint learning experience and I am quite sure I can learn as much from you as you do from me (maybe more). I think my next rant is probably going to be called “Don’t act, react” or something completely different and be about what is really meant by “listening”( teaser, listening is a passive activity and you should never  be passive in Improv).My opinion about this or my decision to write about it may completely change by the time it is posted

September 28, 2013

Rant 2 9/28/2013 The Courage to Committ

When you start taking Improv ,it will seem that everything is about rules.”Yes and” Agreement”,” establish who and where you are at the top of the scene”  and so many more. Even if you start at a place where they tell you there are no rules like “Annoyance” there are still rules just different ones and they don’t call them rules. But things like” always have a character when you step on the stage” is a rule whether or not it is called one. But eventually you will get to the point where you will learn to twist, turn and completely demolish every rule you ever learned. At that point you will find your own true voice and style. And that is what you have to commit to( OK if you want to get technical maybe that’s a rule too).

So after you get the basic idea and show the instructors that you can do it their way, what is improv about. It is the “Courage to Commit” it is about doing things your way. Everything you do must be with 100% commitment(another rule I know). Every character you create,every line you speak you must commit to fully. Is that easy, no its damn hard. It is often easier to find a way out or make a joke then stay true to what you have created. You have to learn to trust yourself,yes you need to trust your partner or partners as well, but it starts with you. It is difficult if not impossible for anyone else to trust, or you to trust anyone,  if you don’t trust yourself. Will this sometimes lead to scenes that don’t work, maybe,but less often then you think. And accepting the failures with the belief they will ultimately create the success you want is exactly the kind of courage I am talking about here.

So the next time your brain tells you that I am not suppose to do this this way or maybe I shouldn’t go there. Ignore it. Commit to what you are doing, sometimes it might not work, but you will feel better and become a better improviser for making the effort.

As always these are my opinions and your lack of agreement breaks no rules(because there aren’t any remember). Please feel free to leave your comments and opinions. Remember this blog is meant to be a joint learning experience and I am quite sure I can learn as much from you as you do from me (maybe more). More rants to come soon.


August 31, 2013

Today’s Rant

I think the most important wherever you choose to learn Improv is to know that ultimately, if you are  going to be any good, you will need to  develop a style that is unique to you. You are unique individual and if what you are going to do is to have any value at all it must express who you are and how you feel. Neither of these things are necessarily static but over time will trend in a direction that lets you express your unique point of view in any situation. The one thing  your instructors probably won’t tell you is that you can’t do this just by taking classes. You need to hook up with friends and actually perform on stage. The best place to do this in Chicago is place called the “Underground Lounge” where the only thing required is that you sign up ahead of time. Be aware that you will probably be terrible, but that is how you learn. Being afraid and uncomfortable are part of the process you must embrace to get better, and learning the world won’t come to an end just because you gave a bad performance will help give you the courage to try new things.

Okay that’s my rant for day one. Do not feel bad if you think everything I said is dumb. You might be right, and at least you have a point of view ( later rants will get more into both the idea and limitations of agreement, as well as point of view)IMG_0019. Please feel free to tell me what you liked or disliked I will try not to be offended and please return for additional Rants coming soon. Thanks.